Monday, November 15, 2010

Homecoming 2010

This past week was one of my favorite things about Fall semester of college...Homecoming!! :)) I just couldn't believe that it was my last one as a student!! They changed some things up this year, and some of which I didn't like. SGA decided to announce all of the winners at the game, instead of hearing them after the events. Also, they took away Homecoming King, and we couldn't vote on Homecoming was an interview process instead.

To start the week off the Dance Competition was on Monday. As usual, it was amazing!! Everyone really stepped up this year. My Alpha Gam girls did wonderful, like always!! Since my boyfriend is an ATO, I was cheering for them also! Their dance was LEGIT!! Alpha Gam ended up getting 3rd and ATO got 1st.

The Skit Competition was on Wednesday! Once again, the skits were pretty good. A lot of people decided to use YouTube videos in their skit, which I thought was a bit unoriginal! Not us, though!! And it paid off, because we wont 1st!! And so did ATO!

On Friday, we had a pep rally on the quad! It was a lot of fun! After the pep rally, they had firework show!

Saturday was the big day!! To start off the day, there was the parade! I had to wake up verryyy early to get to the float and get it to our spot! The parade was a lot of fun, and there was huge crowd! Before the game, Alpha Gam had a tent to tailgate at. I was sooo glad to see a lot of our alumni!! The only downside of Homecoming was that we lost to FIU. But, at the game we found out that we were the overall winners for Homecoming!! Which is now 2 years in a row!! So all in all, I had an amazing last Homecoming! Here are a few pictures from Homecoming day!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

AGD Date Party 2010

Last night was a great way to start of the weekend! My sorority's Date Party was last night and it was so much fun! Obviously, the boyfriend went with me! :) haha! Elizabeth and I got ready together, and then John and her date, William, picked us up. We went to Montgomery to the Alley Bar, which was downtown. I had never heard of the Alley Bar but it was so nice. The music was different than what we usually have at our functions, but it was my kind of music for sure! haha! It was just a guy playing piano...I can't remember his name but he had a great voice! Here are some pictures from the night!

Me and Elizabeth

Me and John

Me and Amy

Me and Becca

Monday, November 1, 2010

A Favor to Ask

I love the fact that I'm actually blogging more, and not spending wasted time on Facebook since I deleted it. With that being said, if I have the opportunity to change the look of something to reflect my personality, I do it. Unfortunately, I can't really figure out how to change the look of my blog. If you can help me out, I would greatly appreciate it!! :))

Halloween Weekend

So obviously, this past weekend was Halloween!! This year's Halloween was great!! This year was really the first year I actually thought about a costume and all that jazz! This past Thursday was Farmhouse's Halloween party. I wasn't planning on going but one of my friends convinced me to go, and I am so glad she did! I had an absolute blast!

Alice, Mad Hatter, and Alice :)

Alice and Mad Hatter with some trolls!

And then on Friday night, one of John's fraternity brothers had a Halloween party. I went to it for a little bit, but got tired early and went home. haha! I wore the same costume that night.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Haunted Hill

Tonight was Troy University's annual Haunted Hill. All of the sororities on campus are on Sorority Hill, so naturally it was like Halloween night for the employees of Troy to bring their children out. It was a great way to see my Alpha Gam sisters, friends from different organizations, and of course everyone's unique costumes. I had trouble coming up with what I wanted to do, so at the last minute I decided to be a Troy baseball player/my brother (for some people...You'll see in a second). Close to the end of the night, one of my sisters decided to point out that this was our last Haunted Hill since we are seniors now. It made me a little sad to think that college really is winding down for me!! :(

Here are a few pictures from the night.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Goodbye to Facebook

After some consideration, I deactivated my Facebook yesterday and it felt good. I tried getting rid of it for Lent this past year and didn't go so well. I was getting tired of people putting stupid stuff up and people posting personal stuff that did not need to be posted. I also am hoping by getting rid of it, I will be more productive because it took up a lot of my time. With that being said, expect to see me blogging a lot more...I have to have something to post my pictures to! haha!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


So it has been a while since my last blog!! I've been getting on here lately to check up on my brother and now I want to try to start blogging again! I know I'm not the best, and I know I don't have the best stuff to talk about but I really am going to try to be better!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My 21st Birthday

I have started off as a really bad blogger, but I really hope to get better at blogging more soon!! :) This past Monday was my 21st birthday and I had an absolute blast!! On Sunday, even though it was Mother's Day, my mom was fine with doing the birthday thing with the family then. My brother grilled some chicken and pineapples and was oh soooo good!! :) After dinner, we ate birthday cake, which was homemade...of course! And then I got my Alvarez guitar!! I was sooo excited!! I have been wanting to learn to play for years and now I finally get to!!

The funny thing about my birthday is that one of my best friends, Becca, has the same birthday...we say we are birthday twins! For lunch, Becca and I went to Parota (a Mexican restaurant in Troy) with our littles in our sorority. We had a great time and I got to buy my first drink...which was really weird!

Becca and I with our first drinks!!

Me, my little Molly, Kim (Becca's little), and Becca

Later on that night, some of us went to Buffalo's (another locally owned restaurant in Troy) to start off the night! It was great to hang out with some of our sorority sisters! After we left Buffalo's, there was a surprise party for Becca and I!! It was a great way to end the night!! And I was so happy with seeing some people that I don't get to see very often!!

So, all in all, I had an amazing 21st birthday if you couldn't tell! :))

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Top 3 Thursday: Outdoor Activities

Now that finals are over with, I'm going to be blogging more so maybe now Brett can get off my back about it!! But, I'm going to start back by doing Top 3 Thursday and this week it's your top 3 outdoor activities! I got really excited when I saw this, because I enjoy being outside as much as possible!! :)

#3 Swimming

I have always enjoyed swimming. I learned at a very young age, and's a great workout!

#2 Canoeing/Kayaking

I absolutely loooove canoeing and kayaking!! I don't have as much experience kayaking but I hope to work on that this summer!! :)

#1 Playing tennis

I don't get to go out and play as much as I wish I could, but I sure do love playing tennis!! I started playing when I was 15, and I have loved it ever since!!

So, I know this isn't that great of a post but I promise I will have more to say soon!!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Be Patient With Me...

I know I haven't had a blog in a while, but finals are starting to get the best of me!! So, expect a blog sometime soon after next Tuesday! :))

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Top 3 Thursday: Pet Peeves

#3 Not putting the seat down on the toilet

Haha!! I know this sounds kind of ridiculous, but it takes about 2 extra seconds to put the seat down!!

#2 Leaving dishes in the sink

I don't understand when people will sit their dishes in the sink, when the dishwasher is literally right next to the sink. It takes maybe 10 more seconds to put them in the dishwasher.

#1 Not using your blinker

Use your dang blinker!!!! It drives me insane when I'm driving behind someone and I have to slam on my brakes because they are turning and didn't let me know by using their blinker. That thing next to your steering wheel does have a's not there for decoration!!

Monday, April 19, 2010


So I woke up this morning to a pretty surprise on my car...

...but with no note or anything. Here's the thing though, I have a feeling who they are from and if they were from anyone else they would have made me really happy!! :) They're still very pretty, though! haha!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

AGD Formal 2010

This past Friday night was my sorority's Formal, and it was probably the most fun function I've been to!! :) We stayed here in Troy and went to a restaurant called Yanni's. I didn't how I was going to like staying in Troy, but I don't think I would've had it any other way! My roommate, Liz, was the one who planned it and she did a wonderful job!! It was decorated so pretty and the band that played was awesome. 95 Reasons was the name of the band, and they played literally everything...90's music (which was my favorite), classic rock, and some stuff that's popular now. Probably one of the reasons I had so much fun was because of my date; he was so much fun!! After formal, my date and I rode around with one of the girls I'm really close to, Elizabeth, and her date. Her date drives a Jeep and we got to take the top off. We drove on some country back roads and looked at the stars. It was a great way to end an amazing night!!

Darin, Elizabeth, me, and Matt before Formal

Me and my wonderful date, Matt

Elizabeth and I on the bus

haha! Me and Elizabeth in the Jeep, before we rode around. :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Top 3 Thursday

So, I know that today is Top 3 Thursday but I sat here and really couldn't come up with anything. I'm not saying that nothing scares me, that I'm tough, and all that stuff. There is, though, one non-materialistic thing that I would say is my biggest fear and that is not being successful in life. I'm not saying that I want some amazing job and a wonderful husband and all that jazz...I mean that after I graduate college I'm scared that I won't be able to do things on my own. I've always had the comfort of my family helping me out, but that will be gone in a year when I'm done with school. I'm going to have to figure out how to do things myself which kind of scares me. So of all the things in the world that I could be most scared of, it's that. I'm not real sure what that says about me, but I wanted to be honest with everyone.

But now, I must get ready for the day! I hope everyone has a wonderful day and until my next blog, SEE YA! :)

Monday, March 29, 2010

I Need a Vacation!!

So, out of the blue I decide I want to plan a trip soon! And I don't mean a trip to Montgomery or Panama City Beach...I mean a legit trip! A week long vacation, with a few girlfriends and just relax! :) Man, that sure does sound like fun!! But obviously, I have to wait till the semester is over! Ughh! I guess I'm going to start looking around and seeing what I come up with. I have a feeling that I know where it will end up being, though...Miami, FL to visit my brother among other things!! That sure would be a heck of a 21st birthday since the semester ends right before it!!!! So Brett, if you're reading this...Get ready!! haha! Well, I guess that's about it for today. I know it's short but I thought I would write something since I haven't written anything since I started my blog!!

And since I'm such a quote junkie, I'll end with one! :)

"Vacation used to be a luxury, however, in today's world, is has become a necessity."

Friday, March 19, 2010

Hello Blog World!

After contemplating for a few days if I really wanted to start blogging, I have decided to give it a shot. Who knows what I will blog about...just whatever I'm thinking that day, I guess! :)

If you don't know me, my name is Natalie Pierce. I am from Troy, AL and have lived here my whole life. I am a Junior majoring in Sport and Fitness Management at Troy University. For the longest time, I knew exactly what I wanted to do after graduation but now I'm not really sure. I do know that I will be getting out of Troy. But for now, I'm content with just going with the flow. I absolutely love music...I have a feeling that that will be something I will blog about often.

I guess that's about it for today. I want to leave you all with a quote I learned in class yesterday,

"Sow a thought, Reap an action; Sow an action; Reap a habit; Sow a habit, Reap a character; Reap a character, Sow a destiny" -The Law of Harvest Stephen Covey