I feel as though my blog is in a slump right now! I never have anything good to say these days, and my posts seem to be somewhat boring. I need something to spice it up...or something...I don't know. I feel like I'm rambling. I'm not going to lie, I'm a little jealous of all these bloggers that have tonsss of followers and have the cutest pictures and the cutest designs. I obviously need to work on some things for my blog.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Oh, How Pinteresting!
You can link up here with The Vintage Apple. Enjoy my pins for this week.
Story of my life.
Definitely doing this when I have my own place.
Self explanatory.
So creative.
Trying this whenever I am back home, and I have a kitchen.
Story of my life.
Definitely doing this when I have my own place.
Self explanatory.
So creative.
Trying this whenever I am back home, and I have a kitchen.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Time For A Change
After a couple months of contemplation, I finally decided to change my blog up. I knew I wanted to make it more original...more me. I finally came up with a new title, instead of song lyrics...so I came up with "It's The Little Things In Life". I have always tried to be the type of person who cherishes the little things, the things a lot of people might not notice. I have learned that quite often, it's those little things that really make a difference in people's lives. Maybe it's just a nice gesture, maybe it's the natural beauty in something...there are a million different things out there that you might not notice, but take the time to; you'd be surprised.
Friday, July 22, 2011
What the heck??
I'm not sure if it's just my computer, but someone help me out...can you see any pictures on my blog or my background??
I'm really confused as to why it's doing this!!
I'm really confused as to why it's doing this!!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Where has the time gone??
Geez...I have been the worst blogger here lately! I apologize to everyone.
Here's an update of my life:
First of all, I can't believe how fast this summer has gone! I feel like I just arrived in Florida to begin my internship, and now here I am about to be a college graduate in TWO days!! I am about to be a "big girl" and in the real world. Crazy. The internship has been fabulous this summer! I really have learned so much about overnight summer camps. I will be in Florida for about 2 1/2 more weeks, and then I don't know where I'll be. I had a phone interview the other day with the CEO of a YMCA in North Carolina, which went great!! I'm hoping that I will get to travel up there when I'm done in Florida so I can meet people within that branch of the YMCA. But I think the best thing that has happened lately is that I got to go home to Alabama this past weekend!! :)) It was absolutely perfect!! I spent a lot of time with my family, and got to see one of my sorority sisters get married.
I know this isn't the best update, but at least it's something! I will be better with my updates!
Here's an update of my life:
First of all, I can't believe how fast this summer has gone! I feel like I just arrived in Florida to begin my internship, and now here I am about to be a college graduate in TWO days!! I am about to be a "big girl" and in the real world. Crazy. The internship has been fabulous this summer! I really have learned so much about overnight summer camps. I will be in Florida for about 2 1/2 more weeks, and then I don't know where I'll be. I had a phone interview the other day with the CEO of a YMCA in North Carolina, which went great!! I'm hoping that I will get to travel up there when I'm done in Florida so I can meet people within that branch of the YMCA. But I think the best thing that has happened lately is that I got to go home to Alabama this past weekend!! :)) It was absolutely perfect!! I spent a lot of time with my family, and got to see one of my sorority sisters get married.
I know this isn't the best update, but at least it's something! I will be better with my updates!
Friday, July 8, 2011
My 1st "Five Question Friday"
So I've been jumping on quite a few "blog bandwagons" here lately...my newest one, Five Question Friday. If you like what you see, you can link up here with My Little Life.
1. Do you think cursive writing is overrated? (Schools in Indiana have now voted to take teaching cursive writing out of their curriculum.)
100% yes! When I learned cursive in elementary school, I absolutely hated it! Well, at 22 I still hate it!! I sign my name in print, unless someone actually needs my signature. I'm a slow writer, so when I actually do try to write in cursive it goes even slower.
100% yes! When I learned cursive in elementary school, I absolutely hated it! Well, at 22 I still hate it!! I sign my name in print, unless someone actually needs my signature. I'm a slow writer, so when I actually do try to write in cursive it goes even slower.
2. Do you still use a pocket calendar or notepad or do you keep your info on your smart phone?
I can't function without my planner. I don't even use the calendar in my BlackBerry. My planner is color-coordinated so I know just at a glance what I'm doing for the week. It keeps me sane.
3. What 3 things would you save if your house was burning down? (family & pets are already safe)
My pictures (Those are memories you can't replace), my camera, and my laptop.
4. Country Mouse or City Mouse, err Person?
I am born and raised in south Alabama, so what do y'all think?? haha!! I like to visit big cities, but I could never live in one.
5. If you could pick ANY reality show to go on, which would you pick?
Amazing Race. I am an active person, and I love a challenge...it's perfect for me. I think I would pick one of my parents to partner up with. Either one of them could motivate me to push myself, and vice versa.Thursday, July 7, 2011
Sweet Surprises
It's the small things like this that just make me smile from ear to ear!! :))
Such a sweet surprise from the boyfriend!!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Oh, How Pinteresting!

I have been hooked on Pinterest for a while now, but just now blogging about it. I look at Pinterest daily, and always find great stuff so I decided to start sharing with y'all some of my favorites! :)
This will be in my house one day.
So true!
I sure do love grey and yellow together!
Stunning. Absolutely stunning.
Link up with Michelle at The Vintage Apple here and show off your favorites.
This will be in my house one day.
So true!
I sure do love grey and yellow together!
Stunning. Absolutely stunning.
Link up with Michelle at The Vintage Apple here and show off your favorites.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Baja Bandz
I am always about giving to a good cause, and Baja Bandz is one of them. My boyfriend has a fraternity brother that is going on a mission trip this summer to Baja, Mexico. To help with funds, he came up with a fundraiser called Baja Bandz. He makes bracelets, anklets, necklaces, and etc. out of 550 Paracord. There are a few different styles and lots of colors to chose from.
Here is a picture of my bracelet that came in the mail today.
They are all a pretty great prices, and don't forget...the money goes to mission trip funds. If you might be interested in buying one, check out the Facebook page here. "Like" the page if you are even somewhat interested...he will be doing giveaways every now and then.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Might be a new obsession...
Oh my goodness!! Thanks to Lauren at Lights In The Sky I found out about Selena Gomez's new single, "Love You Like a Love Song." Now, some people that know me are probably wondering why I like her because it's not the type of music I typically listen to. But there's something about Selena Gomez that I just love! She's got an amazing voice and absolutely beautiful!
I thought I would share with ya'll her new single!! Enjoy!! :)
I thought I would share with ya'll her new single!! Enjoy!! :)
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
The past couple of weekends...
I would definitely say that the last two weekends for me were very eventful. Since I am pretty busy these days with my internship, I'll be putting both weekends in one post.
June 11-12
I had a really rough day that Friday at my internship. I'm not much of a crier, but that night I got into my room, broke down and had a good cry. After a good phone call with my mom, I knew I needed to do something fun. Two of my best friends from college are only about an hour and a half away from me this summer so I decided to give them a call. I drove to Tampa and met up with my friends, Ellen and Becca. We had a good day of shopping and then decided to go grab some drinks. We just hung out with each other, but it was just what I needed! I stayed the night and came back to camp to begin checking in campers for the upcoming session. Here's a few pictures from that weekend.
June 18-19
Earlier in the week, Ellen texted me and told me that her mom and her were going to be close to me on Saturday and wanted to eat dinner with me. Even though I saw Ellen the weekend before, I was excited and said of course! I get to the restaurant and can't find them anywhere. I finally ask a waitress if she knew where they were. She then walks me over to a table where, of all people, my boyfriend was sitting!! At this point, I was still a little confused but so happy to see him!! Saturday, June 18th, was our 1 year anniversary and he drove 5 hours to surprise me!! I was completely surprised, which made it even more special. So John and I got to spend the weekend together, which was amazing!! It was so pretty on Sunday and so I wanted to spend it outside! I still hadn't been to any of the parks around here, so we did a little research and went to two different ones. The first one was OK, but I really enjoyed the second one. They had a nice hiking trail that we went on. Of course, I had to take pictures. Here's a few.
I apologize for the lengthy post, but I don't have as much time as I used to!! I really am trying to be better!!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Possibly, the best summer EVER
I apologize to my followers for being MIA for so long!! For some reason I was not able to log in to Blogger for a while, and then magically it let me sign in!! I'm not real sure...
I feel like I have a lot of stuff to update everyone on so here goes.
1. My internship in Florida is going amazing!! I've been here now for 3 weeks and I just love it!! For those of you that don't know, I am an office intern at a YMCA camp in Florida. I'm in the office for at least 8 hours every day, but I'm not complaining one bit! I have worked at a camp for the past 6 years, but didn't know anything about the operations part so this is definitely a learning experience. When I got here, there were only 3 other people living at camp so we all were together the majority of the time. The rest of the staff got here on Tuesday, and they are all so great! Since the camp is in Florida, all the workers are from around the area. And then there is me, but...my roommate is from Alabama!! So I'm not the only Bama girl and we are roommates! It's pretty awesome! I can't believe that campers will be arriving on Sunday; time surely has flown by! Once camp starts, I probably won't have too much time to blog but I'm going to try my hardest.
2. About a week after I got to Florida, I started to think about my long hair. I will be in the office the majority of the time, but I will be outside a good bit too...and I don't know if you all know this but it gets pretty hot in Florida. After much consideration, and a little poll on my Facebook I decided to cut my hair off. I found this cute little hair salon downtown and gave it a try! I thought if I don't like it, it will grow out eventually. Well, 6 inches of hair gone and I LOVE it!! :)

3. So for Memorial Day weekend, I got to see the boyfriend!! :) I didn't have to work on Monday so I decided to drive down to Sarasota and visit him and his fam jam! I had a blast like always! I got to go to my first Tampa Bay Rays game which was so much fun! I couldn't get over it that we were inside watching a baseball game. Unfortunately, they lost. After the game, Avril Lavigne was there for a free concert. You could pay to get on the field to see her, and John actually bought the armbands!! The concert was alright, but it was really cool to be on the field!! Unfortunately, my camera was dead (which is very unlike me), so I had to take pictures on my cell phone.

And the next day, we went out on the jet ski!! We had a blast riding around the bay and getting some sun...maybe a little more sun than I really wanted because I am now peeling! But all in all, it was a great weekend with a great boyfriend!!
Hopefully, I will be better and not wait so long to post!!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
My 22 Birthday: Part 1
My birthday is coming up in 2 days, which I'm really excited about. The thing is, I can't really go out the night of my birthday since I'll be driving the next day down to Florida to begin my internship. So before my real birthday, one of my friends decided that I needed to celebrate on Friday. Of course, I said I was down. haha! Let me just say, I had an absolute blast!!
We started the night at Buffalo Junction, a local restaurant here in Troy. It was a small group of us, but I was perfectly fine with that. After we ate, we just hung out for a little bit and then went to the bar. One of the things I was really excited about was my sign. I don't know if other people do this, but here in Troy when you turn 21 some of your friends will make you a check off sign and you try to do as many as the things that are on it. Well I never got one when I turned 21, so 2 of my friends made one for me this year!! I was really excited about it! I had the best time ever seeing a bunch of my friends! It was a great way to celebrate Part 1 of my birthday!! :)
Friday, May 6, 2011
Here Lately...
I can't believe that I am done with taking college classes!! I took my last final ever on Tuesday! Four years of college is gone! Crazy how time flies! What I find even more crazy is that I am moving next Wednesday. I stayed in my hometown for college, so I never really have moved away from home. I haven't even begun packing only because I don't really know how or what to pack! I have always just had the luxury of going down the road to go home and get something if I didn't have it. So, this will definitely be different for me.
Be expecting updates about my internship in Florida this summer! I can't wait to be there!!
Be expecting updates about my internship in Florida this summer! I can't wait to be there!!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Everyone has a Purpose in Life
As I am coming to an end to my college career, I have really started to think about life and what my purpose here on Earth is. A lot of times people will say after someone has passed away that they served their time here and it was time to go Home. As you look back on that person's life, you realize what their purpose exactly was. From that, I really started thinking about what exactly God put me here on Earth for. I know what I want to do with my life, but that's completely different.
I have decided to change things up a little bit, and try something new. I have seen on other blogs that they have had guest bloggers. Well, I am giving someone an opportunity to be a guest blogger or possibly more than one. I want to hear people's takes on a person's Purpose in Life.
If you would like to have a chance to be a guest blogger and you feel like you have a pretty good grasp on a person's Purpose in Life, e-mail me your response at nataliecpierce@gmail.com. May 7th will be the last day to send your response in. After I have chosen a response (or maybe a couple), I will be posting it on May 10. I decided that day because it's my birthday and that will be something I will be looking forward to do!
Have fun! And I enjoy to hear your responses! :)
Friday, April 22, 2011
New Shoes!!
I'm pretty pumped about my new shoes!! I've been wanting a pair of Vibram Five Fingers for the longest time and today I finally got some! One of my friends called to inform me that one of the best stores ever, Sikes and Kohn, was having a sale on them! It was more like the best deal ever!! The shoes are originally 75$ but I got them for 25$!!!! Yes, I know they look kind of goofy but for the kind of job I have and the kind of recreation I do, they are perfect!
It's Friday, Ya'll!!
Happy Friday!! It's the weekend!! Not only that, but it's Easter Weekend!! I am so happy that my boyfriend will be in town this weekend, and he gets to spend the day with me and my family! :)
[This picture makes me laugh so much, so I thought I would share it. These are some of my closest friends in my sorority. We had our Parents and Achievement Day last weekend, and of course I had tons of pictures...this being probably my favorite!]
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
So blessed!
Well, last night was very eventful to say the least!
My sorority has our chapter meetings on Mondays so last night I went thinking it was just a normal chapter. To my surprise, in the middle of chapter the whole Alpha Tau Omega fraternity walked in. (And let me just say they all looked sooo nice in their suits!) They begin by actually singing happy birthday to one of the girls, which happens to be one of my best friends. They brought her a cake and a red rose which was so sweet!! After they sing that, they begin to sing another song and at the end my boyfriend comes to the front and asks me to come up there with him. I automatically start to cry! haha! Yesterday was our 10 month anniversary and I knew he had planned something special. I only remember about the first sentence he said which was, "The past 10 months have been amazing with you..." and the rest was a blur. He then pulls out a box with a necklace in it. It's a tradition of their fraternity to make that first "big step", in promising the girlfriend in marriage somewhere down the road. It was the sweetest thing ever!! John was nervous, but that's understandable. I actually had to hold his hands to put the necklace on me...it made it even more sweet, in my opinion. haha!
John is the most amazing guy ever!! The past 10 months have flown by, and this summer will be the first time we have to be apart. I know it's going to be so hard not to see him daily, like I do now. But I know in the end, everything will work out between us.
And a big thanks to Edward, one of John's fraternity brothers, for taking pictures last night! They turned out amazing!!
[This was taken on my phone so it's not the best picture.]
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
I just have to keep telling myself:
2 1/2 more weeks, and I will be done with tests, papers, and presentations forever!! I just don't understand why all of my professors decided to have all of the tests and presentations just a couple of weeks before finals start!

[I thought this picture was pretty funny, so I thought I would share it! haha!]
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
If you're reading this and in a sorority and you've gone through your senior year, you will relate to this post very well. If you haven't gone through that last year together, brace yourself for what is to come.
I am coming up on the last few weeks of being an active member of Alpha Gamma Delta. I honestly have no clue if I would have survived the past 4 years if it were not for my sisters...especially my pledge class sisters. After running to the AGD house on bid day knowing only 3 other girls that just pledged with me, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I was home. My pledge class sisters have a special place in my heart. Every single one of them has made an impact on me in some way, whether they know it or not. This past weekend, the remaining girls in our pledge class (plus a few that weren't there) had one last trip! We drove down to Gulf Shores and had a fun and relaxing trip. We went on a 60 foot boat all day Saturday!! We had a great day, even though it was overcast. As I looked around at all of the girls, it almost brought tears to my eyes when I realized that this is all going to be over soon.
To the Alpha Gamma Delta-Gamma Sigma pledge class of 2007:
"If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea, I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see, I'll be the light to guide you...
...You can count on me like 1,2,3 I'll be there,
And I know when I need it, I can count on you like 4,3,2 and you'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do"
Friday, April 8, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Huge/Exciting News!!!!
Before I inform you all about my news, I'm going to update you with my life! :)
If you weren't already aware, I am getting veryyyy close to graduating from college. I just have to survive doing an internship this summer, and then I will be in the real world. I just can't believe that my 4 years of college are almost up!! Time flies!!
Well, for the past 2-ish months, I have been searching for the perfect internship. I was looking at camps throughout the U.S., but outside of Alabama. On my mission to find the perfect one, I stumbled upon YMCA Camp McConnell in Micanopy, Florida. After reading just about their whole website, I knew I had to call and get more information. If I wouldn't have called I would have missed out on a huge opportunity...they were looking for an office intern and it wasn't on the website. I knew it was for me from the beginning. After perfecting my resume and filling out the application, it was in the mail! They seemed to be impressed with my resume and references, that they called to setup a phone interview. After talking to them for about 15 minutes, they said I had the position if I wanted it. Well....I told them to count me in!! :))
I'll be packing up my car and leaving on May 11, the day after my birthday!! This will be the first time I'm moving away from Troy, and I couldn't be more excited!! So be ready for all of my updates this summer on my internship!!
If you weren't already aware, I am getting veryyyy close to graduating from college. I just have to survive doing an internship this summer, and then I will be in the real world. I just can't believe that my 4 years of college are almost up!! Time flies!!
Well, for the past 2-ish months, I have been searching for the perfect internship. I was looking at camps throughout the U.S., but outside of Alabama. On my mission to find the perfect one, I stumbled upon YMCA Camp McConnell in Micanopy, Florida. After reading just about their whole website, I knew I had to call and get more information. If I wouldn't have called I would have missed out on a huge opportunity...they were looking for an office intern and it wasn't on the website. I knew it was for me from the beginning. After perfecting my resume and filling out the application, it was in the mail! They seemed to be impressed with my resume and references, that they called to setup a phone interview. After talking to them for about 15 minutes, they said I had the position if I wanted it. Well....I told them to count me in!! :))
I'll be packing up my car and leaving on May 11, the day after my birthday!! This will be the first time I'm moving away from Troy, and I couldn't be more excited!! So be ready for all of my updates this summer on my internship!!
Monday, April 4, 2011
One Day Without Shoes 2011
I'm sure just about everyone has heard of Tom's Shoes. Well, the story behind them is amazing. Blake Mycoskie is the founder of these shoes. I am minoring in Leadership Studies at Troy and last semester for one of my classes I was told to pick a leader and do a presentation on them. After a lot of thought and research, I decided on Blake Mycoskie. He is an amazing entrepreneur. Before he came up with Tom's Shoes, he had 3 other businesses. After a trip to Argentina, Blake noticed that the majority of the children there had no shoes. From walking barefoot, these children developed diseases on their feet. After returning home from his trip, he realized that he had to do something about it and along came Tom's Shoes. For every pair of shoes someone buys, a pair is sent to a child in need. Every year at the beginning of April, One Day Without Shoes happens. It's simple: Go without shoes (even if it's just for an hour) to see what these children go through every day. This is a way to get the word out even more about this movement and hopefully get people to purchase a pair of these shoes.
Well people, One Day Without Shoes is tomorrow. Be a part of this movement and get the word out.
It's worth it.
Book Suggestions??
During Spring Break, I bought 3 books...one of which I read in 2 days, but the other 2 just aren't speaking to me right now. So I need your help:
Sunday, April 3, 2011
As soon as I woke up this morning, I realized that today was April 3. To most of you, today was just another day for you. Seven years ago from today, Heaven gained 2 beautiful angels.
Sarah Jacobs (left) and Amy Belcher (right) were killed in a car accident on April 3, 2004. I knew both of these girls since kindergarten; we were actually all in the same class. No one ever thought that such a thing would happen to either of them. They were both full of life and beautiful girls, inside and out. It was a hard time for everyone at our school, and throughout Troy.
It's times like these when we wonder why did God end their lives at such a young age. But we have to remember that God has a plan for everything. They both had served their time here on Earth and it was time for them to go home.
I am praying for the families of these 2 girls, and their friends that they were close to. Please say a prayer for everyone affected from this...even if it's just a quick one, God's listening.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
I'm Back!!
Geez...it's been almost a month since my last update on here!! I apologize to the people who actually read my blog but get ready....I'm back!!!!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
If You Have to Cry, Go Outside
In less than three days, I read Kelly Cutrone's book If You Have to Cry, Go Outside. Let me just say, Kelly Cutrone is one heck of a woman. Reading her experiences and how she got to where she is today is an amazing story.
I encourage every girl to get this book and read it. There is some very inspirational things in it. There is one quote from Kelly Cutrone in the book that really stuck out to me and if I could tell you one thing about If You Have to Cry, Go Outside it's this:
"The road to your dreams is sometimes dark, and it's sometimes magical, but The Wizard of Oz had one thing right: it's ultimately about the journey and the characters who accompany you on it, not about the destination."
Go and get a copy of this book. I promise, you will get something out of it.
I encourage every girl to get this book and read it. There is some very inspirational things in it. There is one quote from Kelly Cutrone in the book that really stuck out to me and if I could tell you one thing about If You Have to Cry, Go Outside it's this:
"The road to your dreams is sometimes dark, and it's sometimes magical, but The Wizard of Oz had one thing right: it's ultimately about the journey and the characters who accompany you on it, not about the destination."
Go and get a copy of this book. I promise, you will get something out of it.
Friday, March 11, 2011
I'm sorry!
I apologize for the lack of blogging this past week. I have been on Spring Break, and I was enjoying my time away from home and especially school work.
I also apologize for the many posts I will have in the next few days. I will start the 30 Day Challenge back up tomorrow, and fill you in on what's been going on with me lately.
So followers, get ready!! :)
I also apologize for the many posts I will have in the next few days. I will start the 30 Day Challenge back up tomorrow, and fill you in on what's been going on with me lately.
So followers, get ready!! :)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
30 Day Challenge: Day 16 & 17
I am bending the rules a little bit with my 30 Day Challenge, because days 16 and 17 would be the same for me so...
Days 16 & 17: A picture of someone who inspires you//A picture of someone who has made an impact on you recently
For those of you who don't know who this is, I bet you could guess and get it right. This is my mom, Susan! And yes I know, we look identical! haha! My mom is absolutely amazing!! I could not ask for a better mom! We are very close. She is one of the most caring people I know. She is a great person inside and out, and one day I hope to be just as great as a mother as she is to me.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Panama City Beach
Now that the weather has started to warm up, this past weekend I wanted to take advantage of it. So Elizabeth, John, and I went to Panama City Beach for the day this past Saturday. It was absolutely perfect!! We couldn't have asked for better weather. We were on the beach all afternoon laying out, listening to music, and played a little bit. Once the sun started to go down, we weren't ready to leave and since we were across the street from Pier Park, we decided to go there for a little bit. We wanted to eat somewhere new so we picked Guy Harvey's...delicious!! After we ate, we walked around and did a little shopping. It was the perfect way to end and perfect day! :)
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