I apologize to my followers for being MIA for so long!! For some reason I was not able to log in to Blogger for a while, and then magically it let me sign in!! I'm not real sure...
I feel like I have a lot of stuff to update everyone on so here goes.
1. My internship in Florida is going amazing!! I've been here now for 3 weeks and I just love it!! For those of you that don't know, I am an office intern at a YMCA camp in Florida. I'm in the office for at least 8 hours every day, but I'm not complaining one bit! I have worked at a camp for the past 6 years, but didn't know anything about the operations part so this is definitely a learning experience. When I got here, there were only 3 other people living at camp so we all were together the majority of the time. The rest of the staff got here on Tuesday, and they are all so great! Since the camp is in Florida, all the workers are from around the area. And then there is me, but...my roommate is from Alabama!! So I'm not the only Bama girl and we are roommates! It's pretty awesome! I can't believe that campers will be arriving on Sunday; time surely has flown by! Once camp starts, I probably won't have too much time to blog but I'm going to try my hardest.
2. About a week after I got to Florida, I started to think about my long hair. I will be in the office the majority of the time, but I will be outside a good bit too...and I don't know if you all know this but it gets pretty hot in Florida. After much consideration, and a little poll on my Facebook I decided to cut my hair off. I found this cute little hair salon downtown and gave it a try! I thought if I don't like it, it will grow out eventually. Well, 6 inches of hair gone and I LOVE it!! :)

3. So for Memorial Day weekend, I got to see the boyfriend!! :) I didn't have to work on Monday so I decided to drive down to Sarasota and visit him and his fam jam! I had a blast like always! I got to go to my first Tampa Bay Rays game which was so much fun! I couldn't get over it that we were inside watching a baseball game. Unfortunately, they lost. After the game, Avril Lavigne was there for a free concert. You could pay to get on the field to see her, and John actually bought the armbands!! The concert was alright, but it was really cool to be on the field!! Unfortunately, my camera was dead (which is very unlike me), so I had to take pictures on my cell phone.

And the next day, we went out on the jet ski!! We had a blast riding around the bay and getting some sun...maybe a little more sun than I really wanted because I am now peeling! But all in all, it was a great weekend with a great boyfriend!!
Hopefully, I will be better and not wait so long to post!!
love the short hair!